login poll id: 21
  This poll was set by on 30 April 2010 and closed on 05 May 2010.

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"'The main thing pooclubbers like to do is play. We have regular features like the The Cull, Poochoonz, Caption Competition, Phrases And Their Origins, link of the day, quizzes, polls and various pointless topics for discussion. There are daily bulletins such as today's events, zen of the day, quote of the day, word of the day.'

The above information is:"

Absolutely true and that's why I wake up in the morning in a bright, sunny mood.
1 vote - mike
Total and complete bollocks and somebody should be strung up for negligence.
1 vote - kpainter
When did this ever happen?
0 votes
It used to be like this, back in the good old days, but now, sadly, we just get our kicks calling Mike a wankstain.
0 votes
When are we going back to Yahoo?
1 vote - naomionions
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Mike [mike]: If you don't vote this, you may as well just leave pooclub. Now.
Naomi Onions [naomionions]: Does the ASA still exist?