login poll id: 63
  This poll was set by Ian W Halliday (ihalliday) on 01 October 2012 and closed on 09 October 2012.

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"What order do you put cutlery in your cutlery drawer? (left to right)"

Knives, Forks, Spoons
1 vote - ihalliday
Knives, Spoons, Forks
0 votes
Forks, Knives, Spoons
1 vote - shite
Forks, Spoons, Knives
0 votes
Spoons, Knives, Forks
0 votes
Spoons, Forks, Knives
0 votes
I only use chopsticks
1 vote - kpainter
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Mike [mike]: I'm sorry, but I simply don't know
Ian W Halliday [ihalliday]: you know it makes sense - vote KFS
Keith Painter [kpainter]: I have absolutely no idea, I have people who deal with that sort of thing.
Simon Hite [shite]: There's only one way to do this, unless you're the kind of person...