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Choosing Your Vegetables

We understand how difficult it is choosing a vegetable to nominate for Vegetable Of The Year. Not only do you have to think about what vegetable would be good for pooclub throughout a year that has only just begun, you have to consider what is and what isn't a vegetable. For example, mushrooms and tomatoes aren't, strictly speaking, vegetables. Mushrooms are fungus (not even plants!) and tomatoes are fruit.

Mushroom is acceptable as a vegetable However, to be so precise would disqualify a great many candidates which otherwise would have much to offer pooclub, and so we accept nominations which are perceived to be vegetables from a culinary point of view rather than a strictly biological one. That, of course, leads to grey areas of what can be accepted and what cannot.

So, to help you out with your nominations, we shall provide you with this easy-to-follow guide on how to determine your vegetable's worthiness. After all, there's nothing worse than nominating a vegetable only to find that it gets turned down and doesn't get included in the ballot stage.

First, take a glance at pooclub's list of approved vegetables

If your vegetable is listed here, it's in. No problem - you can ignore the rest of the selection criteria - your vegetable will go straight through to the ballot stage and you won't have to endure any sleepless nights worrying if it'll be accepted or not. Your vegetable's acceptance is automatic and unconditional. It is a foregone conclusion. It is signed, sealed and delivered. Your nomination is for all intents and purposes cast in stone.

Done and dusted.

Not In The List

If your vegetable's not in the list, do not despair. Our list is by no means complete and there probably doesn't exist a suitable list of every possible culinary vegetable. Next, take a look at Wikipedia's list of vegetables

Is your vegetable listed here?

Yes. Congratulations! Your nomination is accepted.
No. Continue below.

Not In Wikipedia's List

Go back to Wikipedia and bung your vegetable's name in the search box. Can you find a page that provides the full taxonomy, i.e. scientific classification, of your nomination?

E.g. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radish

Yes. Continue below
No. Sorry. Pooclub cannot accept your nomination for Vegetable Of The Year.

Does your nomination belong to the "Plantae" kingdom?

Yes. Continue below
No. Sorry. Pooclub cannot accept your nomination for Vegetable Of The Year.

Subject To Approval

At this stage your nomination is subject to approval by this year's Vegetable Of The Year organiser. You must accompany your nomination with a sound case for its classification as a vegetable. The organiser is not going to research the validity of your nomination for you; it is incumbent on you to provide information that will get your nomination accepted. Such information should include citations and references which verify your claim that your nomination is a vegetable. These should be in the form of links to several independent and reliable websites.

The organiser will look favourably upon such cases as pooclub is always eager to expand its list of approved vegetables. If your nomination is initially declined, you may still provide further citations and references that may change the organiser's mind right up until close of nominations, but these must contain new information. The organiser is not going to be swayed by nagging.

Also bear in mind that the cut off date for nominations is 31 December and that VOTY organisers are extremely busy over the Christmas period. It is possible that nominations made in the last half of December don't get approved until too late - so get your veggies in early. Remember, you can nominate vegetables at any time of the year.

Things To Avoid

To save time and disappointment, please avoid nominating any of the following:

  • Vegetable Derivatives - these are food items that are made from vegetables but are not themselves vegetables, e.g. onion bhaji, egg-fried rice.
  • Vegetable Sounding Items - just because something's got the name of a vegetable in it, doesn't mean it is one, e.g. Mr. Potato Head, Colonel Mustard.
  • People Who Have The Brain Of A Vegetable - it's a tiresome joke, e.g. George W. Bush, B.M.
  • Fruits Of A Plant That Also Bear A Vegetable - A classic example of a mistake that is commonly made by our less knowledgeable members is to nominate a fruit such as Raspberry because other parts of the plant, such as the leaves, can be regarded as vegetables. In cases like this, where the name is more frequently used to refer to the fruit rather than the plant, you should explicitly state the part that is the vegetable you wish to nominate, e.g. Raspberry Leaf.
It is also worth noting that if you nominate something too specific you run the risk of splitting votes. For example, if you nominate 'water spinach' and someone else nominates 'New Zealand spinach', spinach voters could be divided such that no spinach wins. Notice how previous Vegetables Of The Year have been generic popularly known names: Parsnip, Potato, Pea, Yam, Cucumber, Beetroot, Carrot.

And don't forget...

you can nominate up to three vegetables!

Start nominating now!

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